Staff 2024

Principal – Ms Eliza Allan

Class Teachers

High School - Robyn Miller, Sam Vinton-Boot and Jiffy Robertson

Class 6 - Bree de Koning

Class 5 - Lisa Dowden-Parker

Class 3/4 – Ric Kostera

Class 1/2 - Sarah Moriarty

Specialist Subject Teachers

Biodynamic Gardening – Neal Collins and Jiffy Robertson

Bush School – Bruce Anthony

LOTE Indonesian – Ashley Schipp

Woodwork – Gill Irvine

Learning Support – Cate Moreton and Renee Schipp

Handwork Teacher - Jewels Auburn

Music Tuition - Marie Limondin

Early Childhood

Karri Kindergarten – Sandy Price

Bush Kindy – Bruce Anthony

Education Assistants

Sophia Sharpe

Clare Jones

Marnie Armstrong

Pamela Grimes

Georgia Maclaren

Playgroup Leader

Laura Egan

Administration Staff

Principal – Eliza Allan

School Co-ordinator - Robyn Miller

Student Wellbeing - Lesley Wybenga

Bursar – Oona Mansour

Administration and Enrolment Officer – Jody Hartfield

Administration and Marketing - Sarah Lewer