In order for a community to stay healthy and grow, each member plays a part.  By meeting each other gently, offering support, friendship, respect and care for each other and our physical environment, we are building a sense of belonging.  We are leading our children by example as we interact with each other, form friendship bonds and care for the buildings and grounds they spend their school days in.  To ensure our community stays healthy it is important that parents and carers offer assistance and support through the Family Participation Hours (FPS) scheme.

FAQ: Why do I have to pay fees and help out in school?  At all Steiner schools parents are positively encouraged to join in with many school activities.  The teachers need the support of parents to do their work.  This support is found in many ways - through goodwill, positive support and the undertaking of practical work.  For example: Busy Bees are invaluable economically - they reduce our costs of maintenance and repair, they free up our financial resources for elsewhere.  The Steiner approach offers a sound grounding for children in the key attributes they will need for the 21st Century; curiosity, creativity, flexibility, grounded-ness and a sense of community.  It really does make the children feel good to see their parents participating in school events and most parents enjoy getting involved.

As the school is up and running, it can seem that everything is there and nothing is needed, which is far from the whole picture - as ‘old’ parents leave new ones are needed and can bring new energy and gain a great deal through joining hands.  There are many ways to start to make a contribution –

  • Joining committees or the School Board
  • Attending Busy Bees
  • Being a Class Carer
  • Attendance at school events
  • Offering cakes for special events
  • Gardening & woodwork
  • Taking home a little laundry for a class teacher
  • Participating in various craft
  • Making a costume
  • Offering child minding
  • Helping with office work
  • Offering help with fundraising…

If something needs doing - as little as picking up rubbish on the path or helping with meals for a sick family, best is to do it, and so help our physical and social fabric.  “Steiner schools are communities characterised by parents and teachers united together on behalf of their children – with each person contributing their time, energy, creativity and resources to meet the needs of the entire community.” Our school is nurtured and maintained by parent participation and effort.  To maintain a lively, healthy school we need ongoing interest and participation for the social and financial wellbeing of the school, and in fact, the very existence of the school.

To spread the help needed equally through the school community we have created the following compulsory time contribution: 10 hours per family per semester.  Each family situation is different and some parents can and like to offer more than 10 hours a year.  For others who either can’t or prefer not to participant we have created the following alternative contribution: $10 per hour which will be invoiced towards the end of each semester.  Family Participation Hours can be recorded by completing the printable FPS Form below.


Family Participation Print Form